Wow... I could not imagine that Wong Poh Yen, the lazy gal has jz created a blog!!!... Maybe I am too free in these recent days... I have nothing to do after my Final Thesis Presentation! The feeling is good. Although I am too free, at least I have nothing to worry and think of.. No! I am still worrying whether I can graduate! I guess by the end of this month the final result will be released. I pray for myself... I must graduate! No more reason, no more excuse... I must not disappoint anyone including myself... Well, yesterday was the Wesak's Day. I went to BBK there visiting the charity stalls. Bought some muffins. Tasted very good. Should have bought more...:-) I did help the 'poot' mandi!! hahaha.. This time I did not shower his head like what I did last Sunday...LOL.. I have learnt from my mistake! hehehe...
Yesterday I did something which I won't do usually too! I went to buy a book from Popular at Jusco BBK. The book's title is DOES ANYTHING EAT WASPS?. It is a nice book I would say.It tells us about those weird and wacky questions, some trivial, baffling etc... I read something that I feel very interesting and funny. Why do people have eyebrows? Guess why? They divert your sweat droplets and rain drops running directly into your eyes! You would be very uncomfortable without them.. Sounds correct also right? Hahaha.. Besides, eyebrows are important in expressing our emotions. Wow.. I have never thought of why do we have eyebrows. A nice book I would say and it's the cheapest book among 3 trivial books I found. It is sold at RM13.90. Must make an attempt to finish reading it!!!!!
hey, im ur 1st fren leave comment here...so proud. Remember to keep updating urs about u, dun follow me..long time didnt blogging liao...Hope to see some special thing coming up in ur blog...