17th May 2009, Sunday. I did not give to my mum any Mother's Day present until today! I have bought her a box of Duc d'O chocolate, Belgium the finest chocolate! from airport duty free shop. This box consists of 2 x 10 different small pieces of chocolates as shown in the pictures. It means that the box consists of 20 pieces of small cutie chocolates. They are Massepain, Caramel(white choco, Caramel, Whole Hazelnut Ptaline, Cream & Pistachio Truffle, Cream & Vanila Truffle, Chocolate Truffle Cream, Hazelnut Truffle, Almond Ptaline and Mocca Ptaline Truffle. It's sold at RM45.90. The packaging looks very elegant and attractive. I have tasted one of the chocolates, Caramel (white chocolate). The taste was indescribable. The chocolate was very fine and smooth. It was a real mouth-wateringly delicious, comforting and heartwarming chocolate which you must not miss it. A high quality chocolate I would say! Yummy yummy yummy!!!

Duc d'O Chocolates
Hey, the purpose of this present is for u to eat rite? I think u like the present more than ur mum like it.Hehehhe...
ReplyDeleteChai u r wrong! my mum's favourite is chocolate. i use to buy her chocolate for mother's day and bday. But this year onwards, i wil spend her eat for bday since i m going to work soon!