13th June 2009, Saturday. Finally, I have bought myself a new laptop, Compact Presario CQ45-304 at RM2549 from Sen Heng Electrical. I have added another RM359 for 3rd and 4th year warranty. With this new laptop, I hope that I can continue blogging. It has been a long time I never write anything. Recently I was a bit lazy and busy watching tv.
Today, I had my lunch + tea with Mandy. We went to a Japanese restaurant at Klang Parade. I forgot the name of this shop. It has been quite a long time I didn't meet up with her and today she had surprised me by a good news! She got pregnant and will be delivering her little baby in December 09. I hope that she can safely deliver a healthy and cutie baby!
I have been working for 3 weeks already. At this moment, I still feel that my progress is very slow. I still have a lot of things to catch up. I have insufficient products knowledge. I hope by next week I can go to construction site for 2-3 days to learn how actually they do the flooring and install a playground set. Hoping for a good weather!!! I am too 'dark' enough!
Some people say that I can do sales but my boss seems like doesn't look good at me from the way he said! I shall prove to him I guess. I am telling myself, 'It's okay that I am slow at the beginning. I can do a better job after I have good product knowledge'. I should prove to my boss. Most of my colleagues are drinkers. They seem like drinking very much and drink at least 3 days a week. I hope that they won't drag me drinking.... This week I drank twice already. Monday with big boss and Friday with my boss at Kota Permai, Club House at Kota Kemuning.
Finally, my convocation's day was announced. It will be held on 12th August 2009, Wednesday afternoon. Haih... It's weekday! I wonder how many of my friend and family members will be attending......
That's all for today's blog. I still have a stack of Singapore Playground Standards and my company's ISO to read!!! Faint! Sleepy zzzzzzzzz~~~ What a boring weekend for me!
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