There were 16 of us. 11 of of them are from Myanmar. We gathered at the Restoran Central, the kopitam which is located in front of the Uncle Teo's flat and started our journey to Pangkor after the breakfast. Here we go..... (I will blog using pictures since I am so lazy and tired..:-P)
I was driving the FORD RANGER! Uncle Teo's car. I could not imagine that I have actually driven his car all the way to Pangkor Island! Big Big Car. Double of my Little Satria..
Wow.. Finally we have reached Lumut Jetty after 3.5 hours drive!
Ferry to Pangkor Island
This is the resort@ Pangkor Island Beach Resort at Pasir Begok! We stayed there for 3 days 2 nights. Quite a nice place I would say...
This was our 1st meal at the resort. This was our lunch... It was yummyyyyy... The fried chickens were extremely delicious. They were very crispy and tasty!
Well, we booked this resort through NH Travel and Tours, the travel agency. We paid RM229 + RM25 (for BBQ Dinner) per person. This includes 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 2 dinner, 3 days 2 nights stay at the resort.

This was Joo Yee, Ally and my 'home' for 3 days 2 nights.

This was the view that we could see from our chalet! It was a beautiful view right... The feeling was good....

Ally and I was enjoying the seaview (as the above picture) at our balcony while waiting for island hopping.
This was the 1st Temple that we visited.Then we went to the Satay Factory which I did not manage to take any picture as I was very busy buying...LOL
Spent RM87!!! The top spender in the group!
At the 2nd Temple that we visited.
Ally and I at the Kota Belanda, nice photo snapping there
Ally said this was the nicest and sharpest picture! Yeah.. That was me in the pic!
Uncle Teo and I! Do we look 'yeng'?
Me squeezing and hiding at the Kota!
The return of vampire! Kill kill kill ALLY! Muahahahaha..
Me after the Island Hopping and waiting for dinner....
Our Dinner. Even though the dinner looked simple, they were very delicious. The resort prepared chinese cuisine for us.
Second Day! It was raining early in the morning. Luckily the rain has stopped on time.
Me ready for snorkeling...
Yeahh.. 'We are ready. Let's GO!'
At the boat!
Sea view taken in the boat....
Crazy me at the Coral Island 2, the place for snorkeling. Ally was my hair designer.... What a look...pieww... sweat sweatttt
Miss Pangkor, Joo Yee!! and Ally the hair stylist...
Mr Pangkor 2009, Uncle Teo.. muahahahhaha
Me and Uncle Teo! Canoeing. It was nice canoeing with Uncle Teo as I did not have to do anything. He was pro! hehehe
Lunch again. It was another yummy meal.. Really nice meal... Delicious I would say
Our chalet! Family Chalet No 7
Freshly plucked coconut! We chopped the coconut ourself and drank it!! Refreshing and soothing....
Here I am!
Super super delicious dinnerrrr! BBQ Dinner! The crab, sotong, fishes, rice, drink were extremely tasty! Fantastic dinner!
The chef of the dinner! Chef Wong! LOL
Last meal at the resort. Nasi Lemak! My favourite food! Finally I could eat.. muahahahaha....
Conclusion: Even though this trip did not have much activities and lots of 'kaki', I enjoyed this trip very much. It was a relaxing and enjoyable trip. This resort is a good choice too. Pangkor Island is a good place for relaxing since it is just about 3 hours + drive but of course it is not an ideal place for snorkeling. LOL
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